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Shaq wears pink speedo on beach

Shaq, for me is the funniest and very entertaining sports star, he's annoying sometimes but he is more of a huge black clown that can give you a good laugh.

Here is the video of Shaq wearing a pink speedo, walking two miles at the Hermosa Beach.

This another hilarious thing did by Shaq is a part of a deal in his reality show Shaq Vs. He make a deal with two-time Olympic gold medalists Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh concerning their beach volleyball match.

The deal is, if Shaq and his teammate, Olympic gold medalist Todd Rogers lost, Shaq will walk two miles in a pick speedo.

Unfortunately, Shaq and his teammate lost and as a result, he has to do what he promise - walk in the beach wearing a pink speedo.

Watch the video if you haven't seen it yet.


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