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Rashard Lewis positive in drug test, suspended 10 games

Rashard Lewis - Orlando Magic's forward tested positive for an elevated testosterone level and was suspended Thursday for 10 games. Lewis will be suspended for the first 10 regular-season games including the first game against the Cleveland Cavaliers whom they upset in the Eastern Conference finals. Lewis will not be payed for his 10 game suspension.

According to Lewis' statement, he took an over-the-counter supplement late last season that included a substance he did not realize was banned by the NBA. On the report by the Orlando Sentinel the supplement contained DHEA, a steroids precursor.

Lewis is apologizing to all his fans, teammates and the Magic organization for his irresponsibilty in taking actions.

"First and foremost I take full responsibility for the situation and accept the corresponding penalty," Lewis said. "I apologize to Magic fans, my teammates and this organization for not doing the research that should come with good judgment."
Lewis could play his first game on November 16 at home against Charlotte.

Lewis is the sixth player to test positive for performance-enhancing drugs since the league began testing in 1999.

"I hope every athlete can learn from my mistake that supplements, no matter how innocent they seem, should only be taken after consulting an expert in the field," Lewis said in his statement.


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