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WWDC 2010 Live Stream New iPhone From Apple

Apple Inc is creating another wave in the internet as Apple CEO Steve JObs will address for the World Wide Developers Conference WWDC 2010. His speech and announcement will be important enough to alter the course of Smart Phone technology. According to sources in the internet, he will unveil the latest version of iPhone front-facing video camera, HD video recording, an LED flash, and a more). Yes, for all the iPhone lovers around the world, Jobs announcement will detail the new iPhone with more features including the 4G technology.
In the WWDC Live Stream, another part of the revelations of Steve Jobs speech is the iTunes in which will show us how music stream will go in the coming years. Truly, iTunes has become a part of our lives yet there are still a lot to work from Apple as competitors are growing bigger. There will also be the New Apple TV which will let you rent or buy HD movies. This will truly be fantastic and amazing that Apple is doing something big to satisfy the users in the world of computing.
Are you going to watch WWDC 2010 Live Stream? The program starts at 10:00 June 7, 2010. Let us enjoy this for it will affect our lives.source


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